5 Steps to Create a Lending Library

A lending library is a fantastic way to bring your community together, share resources, and promote learning and fun. Lending libraries aren’t just for books. You can build libraries of games, sports gear, art supplies — the list is endless!
Whatever kind of library you want to set up, here’s a guide to help you get started. We’ll share the five steps to build your library, along with tips on how to use SignUpGenius to make the entire process quick and easy.
1. Decide on a location and get permission
When planning your lending library, first consider where it will be. Choose a central location that's easy for your audience to access. Think about foot traffic, safety, and convenience — is there a location in your community that meets all three of those criteria?
Before launching your lending library, it’s important to get permission. If you're setting up a library in a public space, like a park or community center, you’ll need to check with local authorities for any required approvals. For private property, make sure to get the green light from your organization or homeowner’s association (HOA).
2. Create a sign up for donations and volunteers
Once you’ve decided on the right spot for your lending library, creating a sign up is a great way to organize your efforts. You can request specific items, gather volunteers to help with set up and maintenance, and keep a digital record of your progress.
With SignUpGenius, it’s easy to build a sign up to both collect donations and register volunteers. Use a slots only format to list items you’d like donated and ensure you don’t get too many of one item. You can also schedule volunteers to regularly check on the library and report back on any maintenance needs or issues.
These SignUpGenius features can make it even easier to manage your library:
- Custom questions: Ask contributors to note the condition or details about their donations.
- Collect money: Allow your community to donate funds to the lending library’s upkeep even if they can’t sign up to donate items or volunteer.
3. Promote your library’s collection efforts
Once your sign up is live, it’s time to spread the word! SignUpGenius makes it easy to promote your sign up through email, social media, community groups, and digital newsletters.
Take advantage of the variety of sharing features that SignUpGenius offers:
- Send your sign up directly from your account: Quickly upload your participants’ email addresses and send your sign up — all within your SignUpGenius account.
- Create a custom, shortened sign up link: Make it even simpler for participants to find your sign up. Add your customized link to share from your own email platform, insert in a newsletter, project in a presentation, or post on a bulletin board.
- Add a QR code: Create a QR code that links directly to your sign up to make it easy for people to access it on-the-go. This is perfect to display on printed marketing materials like flyers and posters.
- Embed into your webpage: Embed your sign up directly onto your website to create a seamless sign up experience for participants.
- Add to your Portal Page: Create a custom index page that directs your participants to the right sign ups and more. The page works like your group's home page for sign ups.
4. Manage your library
With everything in place, it’s time to set up your lending library! Arrange the items in your chosen location, set up any signage or instructions, and invite your community or group to check it out. Make it a fun event by hosting a kick-off party to introduce people to the library and encourage participation.
It’s simple to keep up the momentum even after the launch celebrations have ended. If you will continue to request donations and schedule volunteers, use the multiple admins feature to share access to your account with others. You can customize levels of permission to allow certain people to create and manage sign ups while others can view reports or simply monitor if slots are being filled.
5. Keep track of your progress
Stay organized by monitoring donations and volunteer participation through your sign up platform. SignUpGenius makes it easy to get key data for your library. Build custom reports to see what’s been pledged, what’s still needed, and who’s signed up to help. You can even collect volunteer hours data into a report. Download reports into a spreadsheet or store them in your SignUpGenius account for future reference.
Get started building your lending library with SignUpGenius!
Creating a lending library is a rewarding project that benefits your community and fosters a culture of sharing. By following these steps and leveraging SignUpGenius’s easy-to-use tools, it’s easier than ever to plan, promote, and launch a successful library that serves the needs of your group. Whether it’s books, games, or other resources, your lending library will surely be a valuable addition to your community!
Read about an Arizona middle school that has started a games lending library for students and teachers.
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